Yesterday afternoon the iconic Max's Kansas City was rebuilt, right around the corner from the where the original stood. By sundown, the cast and crew for Martin Scorsese's upcoming HBO series brought the replica to life. The show, which has previously been listed under Rock n' Roll, but now appears to be called Vinyl, is set in the 1970s and focuses on music exec and fictional record label called American Century Records. The series counts Mick Jagger as a producer, and stars Bobby Cannavale, Ray Romano, Andrew Dice Clay, James Jagger (the son of Jerry Hall and Mick), and Olivia Wilde. [ more › ] Reported by Gothamist 18 hours ago.
Yesterday afternoon the iconic Max's Kansas City was rebuilt, right around the corner from the where the original stood. By sundown, the cast and crew for Martin Scorsese's upcoming HBO series brought the replica to life. The show, which has previously been listed under Rock n' Roll, but now appears to be called Vinyl, is set in the 1970s and focuses on music exec and fictional record label called American Century Records. The series counts Mick Jagger as a producer, and stars Bobby Cannavale, Ray Romano, Andrew Dice Clay, James Jagger (the son of Jerry Hall and Mick), and Olivia Wilde. [ more › ] Reported by Gothamist 18 hours ago.