"The Bachelor" franchise has returned, this time with all-American family man Ben "Unlovable" Higgins at its center. And on "Here To Make Friends," we talk about all of it -- for the right reasons.
In this week's "Here To Make Friends" podcast, hosts Claire Fallon and Emma Gray recap Episode 6 of "The Bachelor," Season 20. We'll discuss Caila's confusing attempt at confessing her love, the "aggressive" pigs, Leah's last-ditch villainy and Olivia's downfall.
We're also joined by Kristen Baldwin, the Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo TV!
See who made the cut this week in the handy graphic (above), and check out the full recap of Episode 6 by listening to the podcast:
Do people love "The Bachelor,""The Bachelorette" and "Bachelor in Paradise," or do they love to hate these shows? It's unclear. But here at "Here To Make Friends," we both love and love to hate them -- and we love to snarkily dissect each episode in vivid detail. Podcast edited by Nick Offenberg.
*The best tweets about this week's episode of "The Bachelor":*
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website. Reported by Huffington Post 1 day ago.
In this week's "Here To Make Friends" podcast, hosts Claire Fallon and Emma Gray recap Episode 6 of "The Bachelor," Season 20. We'll discuss Caila's confusing attempt at confessing her love, the "aggressive" pigs, Leah's last-ditch villainy and Olivia's downfall.
We're also joined by Kristen Baldwin, the Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo TV!
See who made the cut this week in the handy graphic (above), and check out the full recap of Episode 6 by listening to the podcast:
Do people love "The Bachelor,""The Bachelorette" and "Bachelor in Paradise," or do they love to hate these shows? It's unclear. But here at "Here To Make Friends," we both love and love to hate them -- and we love to snarkily dissect each episode in vivid detail. Podcast edited by Nick Offenberg.
*The best tweets about this week's episode of "The Bachelor":*
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website. Reported by Huffington Post 1 day ago.