HARI Kieft is living proof that with a little bit of help from your friends dreams CAN come true.
A year ago, March 6, 2012, three-year-old Hari, who has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, underwent life-changing surgery in America called selective dorsal rhizotomy to enable him to walk.
The surgery was performed by world-class neurosurgeon Dr Tae Park after a six-month fundraising mission by family and friends to hit the £45,000 needed for the surgery as it is not funded on the NHS in Wales.
"This time last year, Hari faced a future of uncertainty as his condition impacted greatly on his mobility but never on his spirit or determination," said his mother Cerianne.
"At just two and a half, however hard Hari tried he could not walk unaided and was desperate to run alongside his sister Olivia.
"Hari had never kicked a ball, never splashed in a puddle, never had a pair of trainers, and above all had never fulfilled his wish to walk."
How things have changed since the surgery.
When I went to meet the family at their lovely home in Neath, it was Hari who answered the door with the biggest, cheekiest grin I have ever seen.
Not only is Hari walking unaided, he had just arrived home from his gymnastics class and was keen to show me how he could do a roly-poly, just like his lovely four-year-old sister Olivia.
"Since surgery, Hari has achieved so many firsts which as parents we feared he'd never manage," said Cerianne.
"Hari has walked out as mascot with his hero Ashley Williams at the Swans v Liverpool game, he has walked in snow, and most recently he has walked hand in hand with his sister Olivia on his first day at Alltwen Primary School.
"Hari's cheeky disposition means he is very much part of a community that have helped us as a family to provide the best future we can for our son — we are a very lucky family," added Cerianne.
Hari and I have a lot in common, more than I realised.
Firstly, we were both born with cerebral palsy, we both weighed just 4lb at birth, both wore glasses as toddlers and we both have an older sister to nag and look out for us!
It also turns out that Hari has the same fantastic physiotherepist that I had as a child. Her name is Julie Harvey.
Oh, and it seems we both love a bit of banter.
"Are you my friend now, Stuart?" asks Hari with a beaming smile.
"Of course I am," I replied.
"We can go to the pub for a beer and a meal if you want," suggested Hari as if it's the most natural thing in the world for a three-year-old to ask.
Sounded like a good plan to me, but he decided rubbing sticky Playdoh all over my jeans, on my shoes and up my nose was far more fun, before flushing the evidence down the toilet, much to the amusement of his sister.
Hari, is full of fun, and when his mother asked recently who he wanted to come for tea as his sister was having a school friend over, he said: "I think I will have a belly dancer over for tea, Mammy." I like his thinking!
Personality counts for so much in life, and even at three years old Hari has one of the biggest and most endearing personalities I have ever encountered.
When posing for a photo while sitting on my lap, Hari announced: "Stuart, I may do a wee wee on your lap."
I replied: "I won't be your friend if you do that, mate."
He responded through a massive smile: "So what!"
I am happy to report we are still firm friends.
"Hari still strives hard every day to improve his mobility as he is learning to use his legs in a completely new way," said Cerianne.
"He receives regular physiotherapy to improve his core stability and balance and has recently joined a gymnastic class! Hari always exceeds targets set for him as his cheeky determination has no limits.
"Olivia has been beside him throughout and helps Hari with his daily stretches and physio. She has never once moaned at the attention Hari receives and we are inspired by both our children, despite their young ages," she added.
"We'd like to thank everyone who has followed Hari's story. This really is just the beginning for Hari," said his father Richard.
"We are no longer scared to look into Hari's future and are excited to see what he will achieve next.
"As a family we worked tirelessly to raise the funds needed as well as juggling work and Hari's huge medical commitments.
"We managed to reach our target in less than six months. Our fundraising efforts were boosted when Swansea City and Wales captain Ashley Williams and Charitable Group AG Swansea heard about Hari's wish to walk and together arranged the most emotional event that raised the bulk of the money needed in just one night," he said.
Added Cerianne: "For the first time, as parents we allowed ourselves to believe that Hari may get his wish.
"Since the surgery in America it does really seem like a miracle to see how far Hari has come.
"From a little boy who couldn't stand pre-op to a little boy who is dying to run like his sister and tries so hard at his gymnastics and horse riding," she added.
Little Olivia handed me a lovely picture she had drawn of herself and her family. It was noticeable that her brother was standing up in this picture and not on the floor, as she used to draw before his surgery.
"Did you help your sister draw this for me, Hari?" I asked.
"No, I couldn't be bothered," he answered frankly through a smile. That told me!
He then took the picture off me and posted it through the front door on to the front step. It seems Hari will do anything to get a laugh.
Before meeting Hari, his mother had told me in an email: "I always say to Hari, 'Don't be afraid to be amazing!' and when you meet him, Stuart, I really believe he'll amaze you!"
I can safely say that Hari Kieft is one amazing little boy, not just because he has achieved his dream of being able to walk, but because at three years old he was totally on my wavelength. I'm not so sure what it says about me — I'm 36. I'm looking forward to that pint, Hari. Reported by This is 12 hours ago.