LITTLE Olivia Woodgate certainly has a birthday to remember – it is the same as her mother and her grandmother.
Olivia was born on Sunday March 24, weighing in at a healthy 8lb 13oz, a wonderful birthday present for her mum, Natasha, 21 and her 51-year-old grandmother, Nicky Woodgate.
The amazing coincidence has defied the odds – even bookmakers would hesitate to offer it up as a 10,000-to-one chance.
Olivia's proud dad Floyd Spiller, 24, said: "It is absolutely amazing that all three should have the same birthday.
"The baby was due on March 19, but when she was late we were just hoping it would arrive on Natasha's birthday.
"We reckoned it would be a boy if it arrived on the 19th but once that day passed we guessed it would be a girl.
"I was going to nip down to Ladbrokes and put some money on it being the third girl in a row to be born on that date – but I didn't get round to it.
"It's a shame because the odds must have been pretty high and we would be rich!
"It doesn't matter though because Natasha and the baby are really fit and well and came home after just a day in hospital."
Natasha and Floyd, who live at Orchid Close, Tiverton, had gone to Tiverton Hospital at 9am on Sunday and Olivia arrived at 11.05am.
"It all went very well," said Floyd, an electrician, who had taken the day off to look after his partner and new baby.
"We have the baby's room all ready to go – and it is just right for a little girl.
"At least we'll never forget her birthday – although it could end quite expensive for me with three presents to buy." A spokesman for Ladbrokes described the latest family birth on March 24 as "absolutely remarkable".
He said: "If somebody had placed a bet when the grandmother was born that her daughter and granddaughter would be born on the same date, the odds would have been at least 10,000-to-one.
"Of course once Olivia was on the way and missed the 19th, the odds would have fallen dramatically, and I would guess that Floyd might have got odds of six-to-one or thereabout for the little girl being born on the 24th.
"We are just pleased that everyone is fit and well." Reported by This is 5 days ago.